July 26, 2024

Quick Links

Home Institutional Hand Hygiene Graph General Education Hand Hygiene Observer Training Resources Program Administration Product Informaton Observational ToolInfection Control Website


 Accessible only from UCSF
 Medical Center network

Hand Hygiene Data Entry Posters and Signage


Clean Hands Save Lives



Internal Resources

Hand Hygiene Brochure

Hand Hygiene Corrective Action Plan

Hand Hygiene Observation Tool

Hand Hygiene Instructions and manual (including audit forms)

Hand Hygiene Observer Competency Test & Answers

Information for Patients and Visitors

UCSF Medical Center Safety Office Guidelines for Gel Dispenser Installation

HEIC Guidelines for Hand Hygiene Dispenser Placement

Foam-in and Foam-out


External Resources

Center for Transforming Healthcare Targeted Solutions Tool

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Hand Hygiene in Healthcare Settings

World Health Organization Save Lives: Clean Your Hands

National Fire Protection Association 2000 Edition

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2008 Interpretive Guidelines for Hospitals. 482.42 Infection Control

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. 2008 Program Interpretive Guidelines; End-Stage Renal Disease 494.30 Infection Control: Section V113 Hand Hygiene

Acceptable Practices of Using Alcohol-Based Hand Rub: The Joint Commission Life Safety 2011

University Health System Consortium 2011 Annual Conference: Successes and Challenges of Implementing an Institutional Hand Hygiene Monitoring and Improvement Program at UCSF


Video Demonstration

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Link to Infection Control Website